"The project was a brillant collaboration between government agencies and our external contractor Captovate, we are very proud of what has been produced." CE Department of Corporate and Digital Development


OneNTG Orientation

Platform: Articulate Storyline

Summary of project

In 2022 Captovate was commissioned to develop the orientation training for the Northern Territory Government.
The objective of this project was to develop eleven (15 to 30 minute) modules aimed at providing new employees with an orientation of the workings of the Government. Topics included:
  • Employment conditions and responsibilities
  • ICT Services and Information Management
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Core capabilities under public sector framework
  • WHS
  • Integrity
  • Equity, Diversity and inclusion
  • Corporate responsibilities, such as travel procurement and finance.
An additional two modules covering employment in remote areas and executive contracts will be delivered in early 2023.

What training was developed

Captovate was provided with the high level content requirements for each topic and access to internal information. Our content expert developed the scripts based on that content. This was then visually translated into PowerPoint based storyboards by our Instructional Designer who also has a working knowledge of the technical capabilities of Articulate. The Storyboards were designed by our graphic designer. It was at this point that the client reviewed the content and provided feedback. Once sign off was achieved on the storyboards, the module moved into Articulate development. Each module underwent a user testing phase - and changes were made based on the feedback. Each Module includes interactive knowledge checks.
  • Full content development including:
    • working from face-to-face PowerPoint presentations;
    • workshops with internal content experts; and
    • summarising core legislation.
  • Storyboarding and script writing
  • Creating key avatars
  • Developing the ‘videoscribe’ video - see example below
  • Creating all the supportive graphics
  • Procurement of talent and audio recording and editing
  • Full Articulate Storyline development
  • Designing and building the key activities
  • Laying of sound, and matching the sound to transitions
  • Outputting in the relevant format to play within the NTG Moodle platform.

Visual examples:

Below are some visual examples of the modules. Captovate designed graphical elements to help reduce the amount of text on screen and to make the modules more engaging, as the client required specific text to be displayed for compliance reasons. 
Our design team were conscious of keeping inline with NTG’s brand elements.
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